Comment Post

Re: Please sign the petitions against the short tunnel at Stonehenge by Orpbit on Sunday, 15 January 2017

i) I didn't ask you to speak on my behalf!

ii) Where's the plan showing the exact position of the tunnel and the two portals!

iii) and showing which of Options 1 or 2 has been agreed!

3.4 miles - Big Deal! Obviously there's an assessment to go with it including the trade offs with the official proposals, or just a Freemasonic whim because it's 5.5 km!

At this moment in time the evidence suggests that I've been involved in more EIA's and LVIA's, including major road schemes in consultation with the Highways Agency, than you've had hot dinners.

So to add to my previous comments all I've seen is a load of aurochs.

Bye bye.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road