Comment Post

Re: Grosmont Fawr by TheCaptain on Wednesday, 09 December 2015

I do agree that this given position does look unlikely for any hillfort, but I must point out that our grid ref is only quoted as accuracy 3, so don't read too much into the position given, it could be several miles out. It is also a very old entry to our database, done before we had any accuracy values, so I cannot say where this grid ref came from.

However, I can find little else readily available on the web to back it up, other than this little snippet from Wikipedia.
"There are circumstantial indications (Pickford, 2003) that Grosmont may have originated as an Iron Age camp."

Unless anybody can add further information, I think we should move the position to Grosmont village (SO404244) and change accuracy to 2, nearest village.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road