Comment Post

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005

If he was a simple murder victim then why was he wearing nothing but an armband of fox fur and why had his body been painted with some kind of copper-based pigment? When they examined his stomach contents they found no water/moss from the pool in there, implying that his gullet had been closed before death and therefore suggesting strangulation prior to being deposited in the pool. Also the area where he was found was located several hundred metres from the nearest dry land, so his assasins would have had real problems getting there, sinking frequently up to their knees in the bog. Seems like an awful lot of effort to get rid of a murder victim to me.
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Re: Lindow Man by Anonymous on Wednesday, 06 October 2004

Re: Lindow Man (Score: 1)
by Thorgrim on Monday, 22 March 2004
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Lindow Man has to be seen alongside the many ritual bog killings of the period in Denmark and Germany. Even if it was murder rather than sacrifice - why remove the body from the British Museum? Arrogance of experts!
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Re: Lindow Man by Anonymous on Sunday, 13 February 2005

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 1)
by Robc on Monday, 22 March 2004
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"The man was not a peasant: his finger nails were manicured and his moustache carefully clipped with a razor."
His body was painted and naked apart from a foxfur amulet. His last meal was a multi-grained bread and the presence of mistletoe pollen in his stomach has lead to speculation that it may have been a druidic sacrifice.
" Lindow man is our best piece of evidence for the practise of human sacrifice in Celtic Britan..the young man had been pole-axed garotted and his throat cut"
"Certain Irish mythological stories allude to a ritual threefold killing of the sacral king - by wounding drowning and burning. It is tempting to link this triple injuries to the Lindow Man; he was hit on the head, strangled and his throat cut"

Information taken from "Dictionary of Celtic myths and legends" by Miranda J Green published 1992.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 1)
by Vicky ( on Thursday, 01 April 2004
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The Brirish Museum's Response to this article can be found here:
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, 05 April 2004
I beleive prehistoric people placed their dead in water which over time became a bog, This seem to be the case here with the draining of a bog with artefacts found in a small area. Arthur,Burbage,Leicestershire
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 1)
by Robc on Thursday, 08 April 2004
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Aparently there have been two bodies in the area, Lindow Man II (nicknamed Pete Marsh) and Lindow Man III. Lindow III. The second person died abour a hundred years later. His head was severed. (this might have been after death). His body was painted and again finger nails were well manicured. Whats more he was special in his possesion of a vestigial second thumb.
One body might be an accident but two looks like ritual sacrific to me !!

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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 1)
by Vicky ( on Friday, 09 April 2004
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There are also 3 other decapitated heads from other North West peat bogs nearby - one from Red Moss in Bolton - 'Reebok Girl', one from Ashton Moss in Tameside and 'Worsley Man' from Astley Moss near Worsley. Must be more than just coincidence.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 28 April 2004
The Story of Lindow Man

Maybe Andy Mould had a special knack that most people don't have. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. But in 1983 and then again in 1984, he found human remains in an English peat bog known as Lindow Moss. The first time, he had found the head (mostly a skull with little skin or brain remaining) of a woman.

A year later, on August 1, 1984, he was working with Eddie Slack, placing blocks of peat onto an elevator that would transport them to a shredding mill, when he looked at one block of peat and noticed what he thought was a piece of wood embedded in it. He threw it toward Eddie but it struck the ground and crumbled, revealing a human foot. Without hesitation, Andy reported his disturbing find, and shortly the police arrived. With Andy and Eddie's help, they located the area of the bog where the foot had been found. There, on the surface, was a flap of darkened skin belonging to what was later called Lindow Man. They covered it with wet peat until scientists could be summoned to view the body.

Five days later, in the presence of several paleobotanists and a biologist, the block of peat containing Lindow Man was cut, placed on a sheet of plywood, and transported to a local hospital. There, the authorities attempted to date the remains. After all, no one knew if Lindow Man was a recent murder victim or a man from the past.

As it turned out, Lindow Man had died between A.D. 50 and A.D. 100. The scientists learned, when the body was examined, that the man had been murdered. They determined this by examining his body visually and then inspecting x-rays of it. At the same time, they tried to create an image of Lindow Man's appearance. Then they looked inside - especially at his stomach - to find more clues to the mystery of his death.

Step 1: Examining Lindow Man Visually

A close visual examination provided obvious clues that Lindow Man had been murdered.

Head and neck. First, he had been hit twice on the crown of his head with a blunt object, probably an ax; he had also been struck once at the base of his skull. Second, he had been strangled. Around Lindow Man's neck was a small rope that had been twisted tightly, closing off his windpipe and breaking two of his neck vertebrae. Finally, scientists found a gash at the throat, which may indicate that his throat was cut, though some scientists think that the wound occurred naturally after his death. If indeed his throat was cut, it was probably done to drain his body of blood.

Hair. Scientists discovered some interesting details by looking at Lindow Man's hair and beard. They were surprised that he had a beard, since no other male bog body had been found with a beard; this was clearly not common at the time he lived. Scientists also learned that someone had trimmed Lindow Man's hair with scissors two or three days before his death. Historians and archaeologists knew that, although scissors existed in England at the time, they would have been uncommon, most likely reserved for a privileged few. Was the murdered man, they wondered, a dignitary?

Fingernails. Scientists found that his fingernails appeared well-manicured and cared for. They wondered if this showed that he was an important member of society, who was exempt from manual labor. But as Don Brothwell, who studied Lindow Man, explained, no one really knows what the manicured fingernails of a bog person would look like, since no one has ever compared the fingernails of mummies.

Clothing. Unfortunately, Lindow Man was naked, except for an arm band made of fox fur and the thin rope around his neck. Without clothes, he could have been a king or a laborer. As author Brothwell put it:

Why did he have a well-developed, but roughly trimmed, beard - unique among bog bodies - and well-kept nails? Was he an aristocrat fallen on hard times, or a high-born prisoner sacrificed to the gods?

Step 2: Reconstructing Lindow Man

Read the rest of this post...
[ Reply to This ]

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Thorgrim on Wednesday, 28 April 2004

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Andy B on Wednesday, 28 April 2004

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, 06 May 2004
i think lindow man was a working labourer and he had been sacrificed to die because he did not fulfill his deeds as a working man
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Anonymous on Sunday, 20 March 2005

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, 21 August 2004
I think that lindow man was a druid, that was sacrificed as a special event.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, 23 September 2004
well i think that lindow man was sacrifice
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, 27 September 2004
Hi! I really won't say my name, but I'm 12 years old and live in Ukiah and go to Pomolita in California. My friend Jaimee, and Justin and I have to do a report on Lindow Man and your info. has helped me out. People say he died because it was a sacrafice to the gods and it was all about the number 3. But, is true that they should erase this out of all the history books.
My sister Darlene says that history books do lir because they don't have the right information and that's true. I would like to thank everybody for probably not giving your info. out. Your info. will help us in Social studies. Thanks! By the way my name is Mele Pateta.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Anonymous on Monday, 27 September 2004

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, 01 March 2005
i'm doin a project on the lindow man!
do you know what his name was?
and if he was murdered who murdered him?
i like the points that you brought out that it might not be a murder and the "GAROTT" might not have happened!
it'll be nice to here from you and the comment you bring forward!
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Thorgrim on Tuesday, 01 March 2005

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, 05 April 2005
help help help help help
anyone have a map of the Lindow Man site?
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Anonymous on Friday, 22 April 2005

Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, 16 May 2005
What a load of rubbish a ritual killing, I am a university student studying archaeology and the evidence just does not add up. Ritual sacrifice all but ended in the UK from the late Neolithic/early Bronze age after the influx of the beaker society 2300 years prior to lindow mans death. I'm not saying I can give a reason for his murder but it was deffinately not a ritual. And those who claim he had body paint really should check their facts as it has now been proved that the colouring in his hair was caused by a reaction between chemicals naturally in the hair and the acidic peat.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 22 June 2005
Lindow MAn is cool!

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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 22 June 2005
lindow man was not a "simple murder victim"

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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 1)
by coldrum on Friday, 01 July 2005
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Very strange murder.A quick stab in the back and body thrown in the nearest river would have been better than doing all that to him.
Academics dont like the word sacrifice it seems.
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005

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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005
he was very depressed, he commited suicide
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005
i only done dis caus i had 2.
The REAL Story of Lindow Man

Maybe Andy Mould had a special knack that most people don't have. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. But in 1983 and then again in 1984, he found human remains in an English peat bog known as Lindow Moss. The first time, he had found the head (mostly a skull with little skin or brain remaining) of a woman.

A year later, on August 1, 1984, he was working with Eddie Slack, placing blocks of peat onto an elevator that would transport them to a shredding mill, when he looked at one block of peat and noticed what he thought was a piece of wood embedded in it. He threw it toward Eddie but it struck the ground and crumbled, revealing a human foot. Without hesitation, Andy reported his disturbing find, and shortly the police arrived. With Andy and Eddie's help, they located the area of the bog where the foot had been found. There, on the surface, was a flap of darkened skin belonging to what was later called Lindow Man. They covered it with wet peat until scientists could be summoned to view the body.

Five days later, in the presence of several paleobotanists and a biologist, the block of peat containing Lindow Man was cut, placed on a sheet of plywood, and transported to a local hospital. There, the authorities attempted to date the remains. After all, no one knew if Lindow Man was a recent murder victim or a man from the past.

As it turned out, Lindow Man had died between A.D. 50 and A.D. 100. The scientists learned, when the body was examined, that the man had been murdered. They determined this by examining his body visually and then inspecting x-rays of it. At the same time, they tried to create an image of Lindow Man's appearance. Then they looked inside - especially at his stomach - to find more clues to the mystery of his death.

Step 1: Examining Lindow Man Visually

A close visual examination provided obvious clues that Lindow Man had been murdered.

Head and neck. First, he had been hit twice on the crown of his head with a blunt object, probably an ax; he had also been struck once at the base of his skull. Second, he had been strangled. Around Lindow Man's neck was a small rope that had been twisted tightly, closing off his windpipe and breaking two of his neck vertebrae. Finally, scientists found a gash at the throat, which may indicate that his throat was cut, though some scientists think that the wound occurred naturally after his death. If indeed his throat was cut, it was probably done to drain his body of blood.

Hair. Scientists discovered some interesting details by looking at Lindow Man's hair and beard. They were surprised that he had a beard, since no other male bog body had been found with a beard; this was clearly not common at the time he lived. Scientists also learned that someone had trimmed Lindow Man's hair with scissors two or three days before his death. Historians and archaeologists knew that, although scissors existed in England at the time, they would have been uncommon, most likely reserved for a privileged few. Was the murdered man, they wondered, a dignitary?

Fingernails. Scientists found that his fingernails appeared well-manicured and cared for. They wondered if this showed that he was an important member of society, who was exempt from manual labor. But as Don Brothwell, who studied Lindow Man, explained, no one really knows what the manicured fingernails of a bog person would look like, since no one has ever compared the fingernails of mummies.

Clothing. Unfortunately, Lindow Man was naked, except for an arm band made of fox fur and the thin rope around his neck. Without clothes, he could have been a king or a laborer. As author Brothwell put it:

Why did he have a well-developed, but roughly trimmed, beard - unique among bog bodies - and well-kept nails? Was he an aristocrat fallen on hard times, or a high-born prisoner sacrificed to the gods?


Read the rest of this post...
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005
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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 August 2005
i think this is gay

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road