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Archaeologists Discover Mesolithic Human Traces in South-Western Romania by Andy B on Monday, 16 February 2015

7 July 2009: The Schela Cladovei archaeological site was first excavated in the 1960s by Professor Vasile Boroneanţ. Between 1992 and 1996, Professor Clive Bonsall from the University of Edinburgh conducted excavations at the site in partnership with Boroneanţ. According to information published on the website of the university’s School of History, Classics and Archaeology, by “employing strict sampling and recovery techniques, the excavations have provided better information on the economies of the two periods of occupation, and added substantially to our knowledge of architecture, burial practices and technology.”

“This part of Romania is highly important for understanding the crucial transition from the formation of human groups, and from hunting to farming, that occurred 8,000 years ago,” Bonsall said.

Archaeologists Discover Mesolithic Human Traces in South-Western Romania

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