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'Mystery of the Moor' Whitehorse Hill on BBC iPlayer by AngieLake on Friday, 07 February 2014

This was shown on Friday evening at 7.30pm (7th February 2014), on BBC 1 South West about the excavations at Whitehorse Hill on Dartmoor.
Dartmoor National Park have a web-page about the programme here:

"Academics and scientists alike were fascinated by the well preserved findings from this prehistoric cremation burial which allowed them one of the best glimpses into life in Bronze Age southern England that they have ever had.

The finds included prehistoric jewellery, an animal pelt and finely worked personal possessions. Most remarkable of all are beads made of tin – the earliest hard evidence of tin production found in the south west.

This absorbing programme highlights ground-breaking work by internationally renowned archaeologists as they get to grips with how this discovery is painting a picture of early Bronze Age society; and as a consequence, how north Dartmoor is being reconsidered as an area of prehistoric importance

Presenter Mike Dilger is on hand as scientists and craftspeople attempt to re-create objects found within the burial including; a delicate tin-studded woven bracelet and yo-yo shaped ear studs, the earliest evidence of wood turning ever discovered in the country.

Most thrilling is when Mike and the TV crew are present when conservators reveal the contents of an intricately coiled basket, unopened for 4,000 years. "

[NB: unfortunatley it was only on BBC South West but fortunately you can watch it on BBC iPlayer? (and outside the UK if you know the tricks to pull...- MegP Ed)]

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