Comment Post

Re: Gray Hill circle by sem on Thursday, 23 May 2013

From the GGAT Archwilio
"A stone circle comprising of 14 visible stones. Nine of these form the circle and appear to be laid on their sides, end to end. Three can be found in the interior and the final stone, 3.6m NE of the stone circle, appears to anchor the circle with the stone row PRN 988g. It appears the anchor stone has a special relationship with the stone circle and stone row. There is a further sub-rectangular stone NE of the anchor stone that may also be related to the circle."
In Prehistoric Sites of Monmouthshire by Children & Nash (Logaston Press) a diameter of 9.8m is quoted along with a drawing that I assume to be accurate - there is such a jumble of stones there it's hard to be sure.
PM me you E-mail address and I can send you a photocopy from the book.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road