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Petition to declare the Chokahatu Megalithic site as a World Heritage Site by Andy B on Wednesday, 03 April 2013

Subhashis Das writes:

India has Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and Buddhist sites as World Heritage sites but sadly there are no archaeological/heritage sites of the tribals that has yet been ordained with this coveted award.

Prehistoric megaliths lie scattered all over the country that testifies the hard fact that the tribal megaliths are indeed the real archaeological and historical relic of prehistoric India.

Not a single megalithic site has received a heritage status nor have they been declared tourist spots in India as Stonehenge, Avebury or Newgrange . Understandably because these are of non Aryan tribal origin.

Chokahatu is an enormous megalithic site spread to a whopping area of of over 7 acres of land. and has over 7600 sepuchral slabs.

The megalithic site is still being used by the Munda tribals as they still raise dolmens since over 2500 years.

Please sign the petition at

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