Comment Post

Re: Megalithism in the Ceresio Valley by Andy B on Saturday, 02 March 2013

Thanks again for the paper Alfredo and for the positive feedback Wolfgang, this is very useful. (I temporarily lost the connection to the photos when I renamed the page, this is now fixed and the photos are all back on the page.)

Just a comment on terminology - I consulted SolarMegalith on the term "megalithism" - it seems to be a continental European term as it is not used at all in the UK.

In his view (I quote) is it is a rather old and outdated term now, some scholars saw megaliths as a unified phenomenon. For example Zygmunt Krzak, the author of "Megality Europy" ("Megaliths of Europe", 1994) which remains the only general synthesis of European megaliths on that scale, writes about "megalithic people" and treats them as a separate group. Of course, now with the datings of megalithis tombs from Sahara and Portugal we know that the megalithic architecture spread from more then one source and it is not possible to define "megalithism" as a single phenomenon, but still some people use the odd term "megalithic culture".

Thanks for that SolarM

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