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Re: Archaeologists Confirm Location of Important Paeonic-Era Site in Macedonia by Anonymous on Thursday, 17 November 2011

I just want to know who said that the "Bylazora was the fabled CAPITAL CITY of the Paionians"?

That identification stems, of course, from Ivan Mikulcic’s work in 1976 that is absolutely nonsense. The truth is, as the experts said "we have not found anything to date at the site that says *this is Bylazora* and consequently they are open to the idea that the Knezje site might be some city other than Bylazora.

Bylazora or Vilazora is a Paeonian city that was located on the Axius River at Veles in the Republic of Macedonia. Polybius tells us that "King Philip V captured Bylazora, the largest town of Paeonia, and very favourably situated for commanding the pass from Dardania to Macedonia: so that by this achievement he was all but entirely freed from any fear of the Dardani, it being no longer easy for them to invade Macedonia, as long as this city gave Philip the command of the pass". In 219 BC, the Dardanians collected their forces for a raid into Macedonia and at that time must Bylazora already have been in their hands. Bylazora with its location at Veles commanded the entrance to a long defile and, no less important, a route southwestwards into Pelagonia via the Babuna Valley, or Raec Valley into Styberra and interior of the Macedonian Kingdom. One assumes that Bylazora as the largest Paeonian town must have been in Dardanian possession when Philip V captured it in 217 BC, and then garrisoning it with aim to end Dardanian raid. Bylazora is also mentioned by Livy in his "The History of Rome" when Perseus in 168 BC arranged military support from the Gauls who were camping in Desudaba, Maedica, requesting the Gaulish army to shift their camp to Bylazora, a place in Paeonia, and their officers to go in a body to him at Almana on the River Axius.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road