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Re: PACHACAMAC -17 pyramids found & The Lord of Earthquakes by Michelledubois on Saturday, 08 October 2011

The structures with niches on them were built by the Inca. Most of the common buildings and temples were built c. 800-1450 CE, shortly before the arrival and conquest by the Inca Empire.

Many pyramids have been found; archaeologists have identified at least 17 pyramids (many of them irreversibly damaged). Beside pyramids, Pachacamac had a cemetery and multicolored fresco of fish from the Early Intermediate period (c. 200-600 CE). Later, the Huari (c. 600-800 CE) constructed the city, probably using it as an administrative center. A number of Huari-influenced designs appear on the structures and on the ceramics and textiles found in the cemeteries of this period. After the collapse of the Huari empire, Pachacamac continued to grow as a religious center.

Pachacacamac, is a site revered by Peruvians for more than 2000 years. It was (is) the home of the "Lord Of The Earthquake," a deity so powerful that the Inca adopted him.

He was an oracle made out of wood, with two faces. When asked a question, he would answer.

The Spanish, finding no gold when they first approached the temple, destroyed the carved image of Pachacamac; only a replica exists today.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road