Comment Post

Re: Buckland Rings by JimChampion on Sunday, 13 March 2005

The Buckland Rings site lies within the Buckland conservation area, and full details (including a large-scale map) are given on this New Forest District Council webpage.
The most relevant paragraph reads:

Buckland Rings is a multivallate hill fort dating from the Iron Age period – 4th century BC to 1st century AD – early historians thought it was Roman. It has well preserved triple banks and double ditches but it may have started out with a single bank and ditch system. This type of site is rare in lowland areas and as such is the best preserved and most important in the Hampshire/Dorset basin. The east side which contained the entrance was partly ploughed up in the mid 18th century and in the present century two houses were built inside the west end near where the outer bank has been lost along Sway Road.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road