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Prehistoric cave paintings found in Dominican Republic by bat400 on Sunday, 22 August 2010

Submitted by Equinox

Sixty-one petroglyphs and two bas-relief sculptures that may be up to 5,000 years old have been found in the Dominican Republic.
Raul Fernandez, a local resident, found the work in a cave in northern Monteclaro town.

The cavern has 61 petroglyphs and two bas-relief sculptures, according to Spanish archaeologist Adolfo Lopez, who is in charge of researching the area and believes that the petroglyphs and sculptures could be 5,000 years old

Lopez, a specialist in cave art at Madrid’s Universidad Complutense, said one of the Monteclaro sculptures is among the three most important pre-Columbian cave art ever found, due to its particular shape and because such works are so rarely found.

‘This sculpture is the last bas-relief of quality to be found in the Antilles. It portrays a figure sitting in a fetal position, which gives the idea that it is dedicated to fertility,’ he said.

Lopez christened the cave with the name of ‘Raul de Monteclaro’ in honour of its discoverer and the place where it is located.

Source: Latin American Herald TImes.

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