Comment Post

Re: Stonehenge by Kiwi on Friday, 23 July 2010

Thinking about the question "why was Stonehenge situated in that particular spot" I wonder if it really was a physical situation that facilitated healing of some sort. About ten years ago, I had an interesting experience there. Had arrived with a small tour party, very early on a misty morning. We were the first people there & I was the first to make a circuit of the stones. I cannot now remember exactly where I was in relation to particular stones but I do remember that I looked through the stones to a small building opposite, as I felt a warm buzzing sensation that moved up my left arm to the shoulder. It reminded me of physiotherapy recently taken for injured back muscles. Wondering what it was, imagination or perhaps a short in underground wiring, I wandered around the circuit again, this time closing my eyes until I felt that strange sensation again in my arm. Opening my eyes, I found I was in that same spot. Intrigued, I checked later and wonder if this occurred on the "ley line" said to run through Stonehenge. Have always kept an open mind about what happened thinking there is probably a perfectly rational explanation, but perhaps, just perhaps there is something in ideas that the ancients understood something about electromagnetic fields that we have forgotten.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road