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Archaeologists Discover Early Neolithic Grave in North-Western Bulgaria by Andy B on Thursday, 08 July 2010

A grave of a man filled with burial gifts, dating from the early Neolithic period, was recently discovered by archaeologists Georgi Ganetsovski from the Vratsa History Museum, during the renewed excavations of the prehistoric settlement in the Valoga area near the north-western Bulgarian village of Ohoden.

The prehistoric man’s skeleton is amazingly well preserved, although it has been underground for almost 8,000 years, Ganetsovski explained, cited by national media. The archaeologist said that the man’s body was laid on its back and his legs were bent to the left, in a pit that was especially dug out for it. Next to the man’s head was found a fully preserved ceramic, spherical vessel, and next to his right shoulder – a flint knife. The traces of the burial ceremony, according to Ganetsovski, can be easily seen.

The man was most likely between 25 and 30 years of age, according to Branimira Dimitrova from the Institute of Anthropology and Experimental Morphology, though his age can be determined more precisely after a detailed study of his remains.

Ganetsovski told media that the man’s grave was found within the borders of the rock complex in the northwestern part of the prehistoric village, which is also unique for the earliest Neolithic period. He reminded media that in 2004, just 6 metres from where the man’s grave was recently found, the first grave of a woman, who became known as Todorka, was discovered.

In 2006 and 2008, the graves of a 5-year-old girl and a young woman were also found in the area.

The entire burial installation, as well as the remains, will be taken out of the ground because of their value. The same technology that was used in the exhumation and preservation of Todorka’s grave – one of the most interesting displays in Vratsa’s History Museum, will be used on the new find as well.

More at Balkan Travellers:

with thanks to coldrum

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