Comment Post

Re: Marden Henge by enjaytom on Thursday, 08 July 2010

Greetings Everyone,
The most recent of Andy's newsletters related to an item of particular importance, the Marden site in Wiltshire.
I searched my files OS maps and records back some thirty years and found Oldbury Castle and the White Horse [3 miles east of Calne], the Marden site, Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Salisbury cathedral, Clearbury Ring, Castle Hill fort, Knaves Ash, Lugden Barrow and Highcliffe on the Channel coast all appear to be on an exact straight line.

From Stonehenge to Highcliffe on the clifftop, my carefully measured survey data derived from a strip series of six inch to the mile Ordnance Survey maps dated around the eighteen eighties. In my 'Stonehenge Sacred Symbolism' book [see Google] page 210 illustrates 22 megalithic miles [49.6 km] of the straight line trackway route from Stonehenge to Old Sarum to Clearbury Ring, Castle Hill Fort, Knaves Ash and Highcliffe on the coast.
The Stonehenge Aubrey Holes are dated 3100 BC, hence why was the position of Stonehenge chosen and for what reason? Is there is a firm BC date for Marden in the BAR records? Is Marden henge a northward extension of the straight line from Highcliffe to Stonehenge?

Is there any one or group who could confirm my preliminary deduction about the northern portion of the route from Stonehenge to Marden and the White Horse and Oldbury Castle? It will be of considerable significance to prove the entire 77 km route from Oldbury Castle to Marden and Stonehenge, then further on to coastal Highcliffe is a straight line?

Regards from Enjaytom, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, some distance from Marden!!!.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road