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Re: Ikom monoliths to change status of Cross River by Anonymous on Friday, 02 July 2010

This is Catherine Acholonu. Indeed we have completed our work on the monoliths and other ancient civilizations around them, notably Igbo Ukwu - a LOST CITY the British archaeologist who excavated it conveniently forgot to mention. New excavations in Nok by a German university team of archaeologists reveal STONE WALLS that also indicate another lost city. What cities were these and who were these people who wrote letters on stone in times immemorial? History is about to change course, dear people. Many basic questions about the monoliths and who created them, for what purpose, when and how, are at last answered. We have come out with three major publications since we began this research on Africa's Prehistory in 1990. Our monolith work began in 2001. Three volumes of literature and images totalling over 1,500 pages are now available to the world to read and know who our ancestors were and how West Africa was the original Egypt of Osiris/Rama/Thoth and Isis. Like we suspected from the beginning, our findings are earth-shattering. Our first book in the trilogy (THE GRAM CODE OF AFRICAN ADAM) won me and my colleague the awards of a Professorship and a Doctorate (respectively) from a USA University. The second book (THEY LIVED BEFORE ADAM) won the 2009 International Book Awards in USA recently. The third (THE LOST TESTAMENT OF THE ANCESTORS OF ADAM) about to be released, is the concluding part of the trilogy, and it is packed full with research results that will surely bring about the rewriting of History as we know it. Our books are sold on Amazon and Paypal. We invite all to feast on lost knowledge recovered. Catherine Acholonu.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road