Comment Post

Re: St-Benoit polissoir by TheCaptain on Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Notes from visiting again travelling the "scenic route" to my sisters 3rd June 2010

Decide to take Dad here to see this special stone, so leave the autoroute at St James, to go have a look – the third time I will have tried to take Dad here, having missed it twice before due to roadworks and a shut bridge, and lateness on the previous occasions. Blimey, there are now big brown signs indicating it from the main road.

Set in its nice little marshy area, this is now very well looked after and presented, unlike the old description when I was first looking for it several years ago. The stone is a bit smaller than I remember it, but it is really wonderful. I just love being able to sit and stroke the very polished grooves, and let my mind wander back through the millennia. Dad seemed well impressed at being able to see something like this.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road