Comment Post

Re: Ephesus by PAB on Saturday, 27 February 2010

Something new at Ephesus! For those who are rather glad they managed to visit Ephesus before the hoards of cruise ship coaches started to descend, there really is something worth going back for!

The 'Terraced Houses' are now open. This may not sound like much of a draw for those of us who think of the term as referring to 2-up 2-down, back-to-back rows as I was used to in my youth....but please think again.

You pay extra, but we found it worth every penny - I have posted a few pictures to help those who have been in 'quieter times' work out where they are and what they contain.

These pictures were taken in October 2009 - wouldn't have wanted to be there in the height of summer though!

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road