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Attracting folk to Wincobank Hill by coldrum on Sunday, 10 January 2010

IT boasts stunning views of Sheffield, has been a key historical defence point throughout history and now a rallying cry has been made to get more people back up Wincobank Hill.
The site's natural beauty used to attract hundreds of families until problems began with bikers and joy-riders.

But residents are battling back and have reclaimed the attraction with help from Sheffield Council's rangers.

Wincobank Hill dominates the lower Don Valley and flint tools believed to have been used by hunter-gathers as early as 8,000 BC have been found there.

At the top are the foundations of an ancient hill fort which experts date to around 500 BC and the hill has been used as a key vantage point throughout history.

In 1904 it was given to the people of Sheffield by the Duke of Norfolk as a recreation ground and last year a group of residents decided to team up to get more visitors enjoying the hill.

One of the aims of Friends of Wincobank Hill is to get more school groups out and about discovering what the site has to offer both in terms of nature and history.

They also hold regular copsing, litter picking, path clearing, identifying wildlife and general clean up events.

On Saturday mornings some younger children even try their hand at building dens.

There are also living history events in the pipeline for next year when volunteers will bring the area's past to life.

Treasurer Penny Rea said the group wanted to see as many people as possible making the most of Wincobank Hill.

"The paths are a lot better to walk on now and it feels much safer so we have a lot more families coming up," she said.

"It is amazing how many people don't know the site is here but it is a really important historic site as it has remained untouched."

Adam Goodall, of Sheffield Parks & Countryside Team, has already carried out a lot of work there and says future plans include opening up the site more so people can see the views and the boundary of the Iron Age hill fort.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road