Comment Post

Re: Little Kit's Coty by TheCaptain on Thursday, 02 September 2004

Inside a little fenced off area within a field to the south of the busy road which runs from Aylesford to Kits Coty lie the remains of this burial chamber. There are many stones here (I couldn’t count them all) but all fallen, and trying to make out any semblance of what they once were is not easy. The little fenced area they are in is nicely tended, but to my mind, much too small, and a larger space around them would be a big improvement. It is not a peaceful place, as the adjacent roads are very busy and noisy, with many lorries thundering past, and the site is also spoiled by the passage overhead of some noisy electric cables and their associated large pylons.

However, its much better cared for than the nearby Coffin Stone.

Visited Monday, 23 August 2004

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road