Comment Post

Re: Royal Albert Memorial Museum Re-opening delayed by AngieLake on Thursday, 23 April 2009

On a visit to the temporary RAMM display in the Local Studies Library in Exeter on 18th April 09 I asked the man on the reception desk if the Museum is likely to open in 2010, as planned, but he said this had now been put back to 2011.
It is still worth looking in at the small exhibition if you're shopping in Exeter, as there were some interesting artefacts on display.
For those with youngsters, I imagine they'd have great fun playing with the dressing-up items in the childrens' area!
If you're not sure where to go, anyone will direct you to the main library (behind the shops on the Boots side of the north end of the High Street), and when there, look to the far right of the building, where steps lead up to this section (Ramm is left inside the door on the ground floor.)
The Local Studies library has a great selection of books for research too.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road