Comment Post

Re: Wincobank by Anonymous on Friday, 23 January 2009

I live fairly close to Wincobank in Pitsmoor - its a couple of miles hike up there and always worth the effort! I have to say I have some thoughts of my own about the site's significance, becoming something of an eccentric antiquarian since finishing my archaeology degree and having too much time on my hands! My partner and I took a walk up to the Hillfort a few years back and he identified what looked like stepped banks on the side that slopes down sharply (we didn't have a compass so I couldn't say which side exactly). It imdediately reminded me of Glastonbury Tor and I've wondered ever since if this site was much more than simply a 'Hillfort'...

Wincobank is supposed to have yeilded evidence of much earlier use, (as far back as the Mesolithic) and it's position on the confluence of FIVE rivers gives it high likelyhood that it was once a sacred hill like Glastonbury or Silbury. Consider the extraordinary position of this hill, with it's streams and rivers near by (do please read Michael Dame's 'The Silbury treasure' for an original and detailed analysis of sacred Goddess Hills) Surely 'Wyn-coed' was venerated land a long time ago, and this might explain the pull it exerts on people still (I do my own land-healing work up there from time to time:-) an American freind of mine, who came to stay with us a couple of years back was struck dumb by the ancient energy she felt around Wincobank - to her as much as any Native American site! The place has a great aura of peace about it and it may have been a very important sacred site in times long before the Iron Age.

Just my personal theory:-)

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