Comment Post

Re: Round Loaf by Anonymous on Thursday, 24 June 2004

Condition: Good condition, certainly noticable on the oper moorland.

Ambience: Exposed to the elements, but a feeling of solitude and remoteness definately exists compared to the surrounding pikes and hill tops in the area. No livestock or evidence or agriculture present. You get the feeling not many people venture to this interesting site compared to the popularity of surrounding walks, but it is worth it for the excellent views across west Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales.

Access: Use the OS Explorer 1:25,000 scale maps as the 50,000 scale do not highlight Devil's Ditch which my dog almost fell down. This is a narrow crevasse around 6 or more feet in depth that is covered by the heather etc. Not advisable to go to after moderate or heavy rain as the ground is like a sponge and extremely boggy. There is no designated or clear footpath to the Round Loaf and the crossing of streams, very sucepatable to dangerous flooding after rain may well be necessary.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road