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The Jersey Children's Home skull fragment, the police and the facts that changed by Andy B on Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Writer Richard Webster has unearthed some extraordinary things in his time, he now discusses the the likelihood that the widely reported child's skull fragment from the Jersey Care Home investigation is old, and may even be Neolithic.

The Haut de la Garenne ex children's home building is some three or four hundred yards away from La Pouquelaye de Faldouët (Faldouët Dolmen).

"now that we know a little more about the views of the various archaeologists both on and off-site, we can say with some confidence that it is rather more likely that the fragment is neolithic than that it has anything at all to do with the building’s use as a children’s home"

Read the full story on his web site.

But note Richard, Neanderthal is a million miles from Neolithic.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road