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New archaeological discovery at Rotherwas by Andy B on Wednesday, 02 July 2008

ANOTHER archaeological discovery has been uncovered in Hereford close to the site of the new Rotherwas access road.

A platform of burnt stones, thought to date back to the same period as the Rotherwas Ribbon, has been unveiled close to the site of the road which opened yesterday.

The platform is much smaller in scale than the Ribbon but is constructed of similarly burnt stones and is of apparent prehistoric date.

Andy Boucher, managing director of Archaeological Investigations Ltd which is carrying out the work, said: “There is a clear similarity in the use of fire-cracked stones in the formation of this platform compared to the Ribbon discovered last year so it seems unlikely that they were separated by any great span of time.

"This is exciting because the new discovery is associated with features containing a wealth of evidence about the past environment and could well help to further unlock our understanding of the Ribbon.”

More at the Hereford Times

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road