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Re: Lindow Man 'was a simple murder victim' by Anonymous on Friday, 18 April 2008

The Lindow man wasn't just a simple murder victim.

From the evidence that forensic science has gathered from his body they have found that the Lindow man had a symmetrical body which shows that he did no hard labor. It means that he did not doing any hard work so therefor he was not a slave or a warrior. He also had well manicured nails with no calluses also showing he did no hard work. By looking at this it shows he was very important in that society, most likely a durid priest.

He was found to have burnt bread in his stomach and from reports from Celtic anthrapologists we have found out that burnt bread was their way of choosing who the 'devoted one' was... the one who was going to be scarified to the gods.

By using secondary sources from Dr Anne Ross we know that the Celtic people sacrificed to gods and each god had different ways of being sacrificed. it is very possible that the Lindow man was sacrificed to three gods:

- Taranis the god of thunder: people sacrificed to this god were usually burnt, but if the Lindow man was to be sacrificed to three other gods he could not be burnt. Another way of sacrificing to this god was to strike the victim on the back of the head with the force of a thunderbolt.

- Esus the god of the underworld: Lindow man was sacrificed to this god when he was strangled and had his throat cut. the cut to the throat may have been caused by nature after death but it is more likely that it was caused as part of the sacrifice as a way of draining blood from the body.

- Teutates god of the tribe: he was sacrificed to this god when he was placed in the bog and drowned we have secondary information from Tacitus that states that bogs were sacred places.

From looking at the time that the Lindow man died, it is more than likely that he was sacrificed in a final effort to appease the gods and stop the roman invasion. Most people were not normally sacrificed the way that the Lindow man was, to three gods at once. He was a very important person in the Celtic society and may have been there final effort to please the gods. From studying all the information from a physical examination, information that forensic science has been able to pull off the body and knowledge we have gained from secondary sources it is more then likely that the Lindow man was a sacrificial victim not a 'simple murder victim'

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road