Comment Post

Re: St. Margaret's Well (Broomfield) by Anonymous on Friday, 29 February 2008

I was interested to discover this site and can add a little to the account of the well blessing there since 1990. When I was Vicar of Leeds and Broomfield (1984-93), the retired county archivist, Allen Grove, who used to play the organ at Broomfield, brought the 1507 reference to St Margaret's Well to my attention. We identified the well by the roadside beside the entrance to the churchyard and the Verger of Broomfield Church, Derek Hadlow, cleared the site, which was very overgrown, and, with the help of my colleague, Church Army Captain Bill Waters [your article mistakenly refers to Bill Withers] decorated it. I had been on holiday in Derbyshire and seen the well dressing there, and I devised an order of service, using some of the Derbyshire well blessings as a model, and the service was, as you record, in July 1990.
Canon Christopher Dent

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road