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Primate Skeleton at the Lismullin Henge at Tara Valley? by Andy B on Thursday, 21 February 2008

During excavations for the forced M3 double toll road through the valley of the Celtic Royal City of Tara the bones of a ‘medium-sized dog’ were found near the Henge at Lismullin. I do not believe it to be a dog for two reasons - I believe it is Primate, most likely a Barbary Ape*.

Firstly, a skull of a Barbary Ape was found during excavations (1963–71) at Emain Macha (Navan Fort) in Armagh and this is seen as a major indicator of the importance of a royal site. An entire set of animal bones, in my opinion a Barbary Ape, have been found at the Lismullin Henge in Tara Valley, well known as a royal site, on the 29th of April 2007 and quickly put into black sacks and disappeared by archaeologists working for the NRA by the 3rd of May 2007.

Secondly, compare the images below paying attention to the red arrows for species identification. It is completely plausible that a primate could have been given to a King of Tara as a gift (from abroad) and buried in the Royal City.

A short report by Con Connor 23/1/2008

Read the full story with with images at

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road