Comment Post

Re: Aikey Brae by Anonymous on Thursday, 03 January 2008

I visited Aikey Brae this past summer, and I'm wondering by the directions given what you mean by the road to Scroghill. Are you referring to a geographical site (sucha s an actual hill), a sign. or a farm? I am aware of a farm that is called Scroghill, but you'd have to either walk cross country to Aikey Brae or backtrack up the road from it

Also, does anyone know how far the Scroghill farm is from the track that leads to Aikey Brae and also how far it is west from Stuartfield.

I'd love to see a map with the details that include Aikey Brae and Scroghill farm as this is where my great-grandmother was born.

Thank you.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road