Comment Post

Re: 'Rotherwas Ribbon eight' arrested for 'aggravated trespass’ by Anonymous on Sunday, 29 July 2007

Hi Keen and to the Sutton tribe, Thanks for your support. Its nice to know that there are people who can see beyond the present, seeing forwards as well as backwards. Our past has been deliberately rubbed out by the church and the Roman worshipping so called educated elite.The life force of our ancestors is still in us, and despite recent invented "religions" attempts to monopolise this to thier own ends, many of us are aware of our connection to the Earth and our past. The continued study and debate of sites like the Dinedor serpent is as important as any other faith and should be respected as such, though I believe we have a long way to go yet to convince them of this due to the blindness of thier faith, and the possibility that I'm mad.
The Hereford Times web site has a picture of me, or I can mail you one,

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road