Comment Post

Re: Rotherwas Ribbon by Anonymous on Saturday, 07 July 2007

It's disappointing that Mr Sworn sees fit to dismiss calls to save this find by casting doubt on motives. The arguments against the road stand on their own merit but are augmented by arguments in favour of capitalising on our heritage instead of burying it. People who care about their landscape usually think finds such as this should be protected for similar reasons and casting doubt on their motives is unhelpful. Please don't patronise 'the masses' - you need them on board in order to do your job.

The point is that this road already has no economic case and is poor value according to government and UDP inspectors, and will create more traffic problems in Hereford according to the council's own consultants. There is such a weak case that it is now the subject of a court challenge. Given this, the discovery of this serpent means there is an even stronger argument that the road is halted.

It could surely be protected from the elements in more imaginative ways and allow the public to view and therefore learn to respect their own heritage. There is a disturbingly elitist tone that seems to want to deprive 'the masses' from access to their heritage.

If Mr Sworn is correct in saying it's made of small stones I can't see that allowing heavy lorries over it will help much.

Hereford would gain much more from having this as a protected monument and tourist attraction which earns money than a cul-de-sac to an industrial estate which will cost tax payers.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road