Comment Post

Re: Rotherwas Ribbon by Anonymous on Saturday, 07 July 2007

Only a mild suggestion to you archaeological experts: look at the Google Earth coverage of this area (search Dinedor or Rotherwas) which is exceptionally bright and informative. Now I know the 'monument' exists I think I can make out distinct field marks which are not sheep paths ! Also, to the south side of Dinedor Hill is a distinct connected shape (I hesitate to say human shape, but it is, head and body!).
Incidentally, although I would love to see it all unearthed (I was once a boy in this area) I tend to take the opinion of another posted comment, of protected coverage until funding is available for a proper, unhurried excavation.
Laurence Burns

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road