Comment Post

Re: Pentre Ifan by whiteone on Thursday, 10 August 2006

I am a dowser with some interest in earth energies. I paid a brief visited to this site in July while on family holiday. These are my comments on what I found for what they are worth.

Given the layout of the site with the principle axis of the cap stone running roughly N-S and the curved 'entrance' facing south, I found weak energy line running E-W passing through the three 'entrance' stones supporting the cap at the south end. I also found a somewhat more energetic line running south from the centre stone of the three above. In front of the most easterly of these three was an energy point source (as distinct from a sink) of a very high magnitude and not a very confortable place to be. As I continued around the back (north) side and under the cap stone I found the most surpising thing of all - that being precisely nothing. There was no continuation of the N-S line from the front, no echos of the E-W line and no human energy remnants where they might be expected; nothing. All the energy that was active that day was within the area of the dished entrance way as if focused there. I did not have time study the site further and my knowledge of dolmems is poor so I can only report what I found but there are two words in the previous sentence that give a clue as to what I am thinking.

I arrived at the site with no anticipations and I left the site with no sense of it having been a burial chamber so what else those energies where telling me is very tantelising indeed. Any helpful views would be appreciated.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road