Comment Post

Re: Craig yr Arian at risk by Anonymous on Wednesday, 24 May 2006

Cadw note: This site was visited last month in order to consider it for scheduling and to speak to the forestry company. The site is not considered to represent the remains of a chambered tomb - it is more likely to represent the remains of an extremely damaged round cairn. The OS card reads (from a field visit in 1974) "thought to have been a round cairn, 20-25m in diameter, with a central megalithic chamber, the present form of the monument, a sub-rectangular drystone enclosure, c.10m square and 2.0m high, is thought to result from systematic treasure hunting/excavation. The mound survives to 0.8m high and a possible capstone, 2.5m by 1.5m crowns the rubble fill of the enclosure" (source OS SJ03NW6).

The site does not meet the criteria for scheduling as a monument of national importance - but the forestry company are aware of the site and will endeavour to take care during operations nearby.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road