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Grutas do Poço Velho  Cave or Rock Shelter  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  25th May 2024  5  5  5  The caves are fun to go through and reasonably easy. The floor is paved with wood, so it's relatively easy, but there are sections that are very narrow and some that are very low. You have to crouch or crawl (I'm tall, so I crawled!) and if you have claustrophobia you should NOT go in! The artefacts...
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Menir da Vilarinha 4  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Portugal  Faro  Visited  11th May 2024  4  4  4  This is the easiest to get to of the Vilarinha alignment. Start at the hamlet of Gregórios and there's a sign on the tarmac road. You can see the menir from the road: it's at the top of a hill near an electricity pole.     
Menir da Vilarinha 3  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Portugal  Faro  Visited  11th May 2024  4  5  3  It's an interesting menhir and part of a fascinating alignment, BUT it's not the original. This one was moved from another location (it was originally Vilarinha 5), and the original Vilarinha 3 is now in the museum in Silves. The original was very ornately carved and it was deemed that preservation ...
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Silves Archaeological Museum  Museum  Portugal  Faro  Visited  11th May 2024  5  5  5  This is a fabulous museum, with loads of prehistoric artefacts. There are exhibits from paleolithic to more or less modern period. The building has a cistern well from the Islamic period which has been designated as a National Monument. It's well worth a visit!      
Anta da Masmorra  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Faro  Visited  29th Dec 2022  3  4  4  The signposts for the dolmen are sunburned beyond reading and totally ruined. The stones persist!     
Anta das Pedras Grandes  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  27th Apr 2024  2  4  5  The area around the anta (dolmen) has been cleaned up and made into an urban park. It's a pretty location and allows the people in the area to enjoy the site.     
Necrópole de Carenque  Rock Cut Tomb  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  27th Apr 2024  4  4  4  A lovely site. Quiet and pleasant. The small museum has information in Portuguese and relics from the excavation of the site. The three caves are easy to walk around and see inside.     
Dólmen de Monte Serves  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  27th Apr 2024  3  4  3  The road that gets you close is a bit rocky in places. It's passable but clearance is very helpful. The dolmen is easily accessible by a track and is situated on a beautiful hillside overlooking Lisboa and the Rio Tejo.      
Anta-Capela de Alcobertas  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Santarém  Visited  25th Mar 2024  3  5  5  This is a beautiful fusion of ancient and modern. Even my long-suffering family appreciated the trip to see this dolmen/chapel! It's a beautiful church, and the chapel is gorgeous. As a "prehistoric site" it might be a disappointment to a purist, but for me it is absolutely lovely!      
Anta da Agualva  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  5th Feb 2023  5  5  5  The site and park were greatly remodeled and improved in 2017 by the City Council of Sintra. It is now a very pleasant, clean and enjoyable park. The anta has been properly excavated, with the orthostats lifted, and it sits shining in a bed of white stones. There is a wooden boardwalk around it, wit...
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Anta do Monte Abraão  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  27th Jan 2023  3  4  4  If you visit this site expecting a pristine antique experience, you will be sadly disappointed. If, however, you visit the site knowing that there will be graffiti and the hills are crossed by powerlines (be aware that the site is on a hill above a major motorway), then the juxtaposition of ancient ...
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Anta da Estria  Burial Chamber or Dolmen  Portugal  Lisboa  Visited  27th Jan 2023  4  3  2  The site is in the same condition as in the photographs and previous accounts. It was well preserved when the motorway went through and the site itself is pleasant and peaceful, if you tune out the noise of the passing cars. The access, however, is very difficult. The motorway exit to the service st...
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Menir de Aspradantes  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Portugal    Visited  3rd Oct 2022  4  5  3  This is a lovely individual stone, standing about 1.5m tall. It's on a ridge, with great views around the countryside. You have to climb up to the ridge, which is a bit strenuous but not dangerous or too difficult. If you follow Google maps, it takes you to the dirt road below, on which parking a ca...
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