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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 137  (View all trips)  View these posts as a blog

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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 137  (View all trips)  View these posts as a blog

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Duddo Five Stones  Stone Circle  England  Northumberland  Visited  29th May 2019  3  5  4  Duddo Five Stones, Northumberland: We had three tries at reaching this stone circle, until we discovered the actual, relatively new 'permissive path'. Our first attempt was using the footpath to the north of the stones, but the footpath had been ploughed out and we had to retrace our steps. Then we ...
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137  1 
Knock and Maize  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  4  4  Knock & Maize Standing Stone: Lovely views of the sea, but the view of the stone was a little spoilt by its proximity to the telegraph poles. It was only when we got into the field and I was photographing the stone that we realised there was a large herd of bullocks down the bottom end of the field...
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137  1 
St Mary's Well (New Etal)  Holy Well or Sacred Spring  England  Northumberland  Visited  29th May 2019  1  3  4  St Mary's Well, New Etal: The ford across the river from Etal village was pretty high, so we decided not to chance wading across it, but drove round to New Etal and used the farm tracks to walk back down to the western side of the ford to find the remains of this chantry chapel and well. No sig...
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137  2 
Kirkcolm Cross  Ancient Cross  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  3  4  Kirkcolm Cross: From the Knock & Maize standing stone we followed the minor roads across this peninsula until we reached the western shores of Loch Ryan, then drove north to Kirkcolm. This cross slab has quite a complicated history of being sited in different locations (read the Canmore details b...
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137  2 
Mid Gleniron Stony Mounds  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  2  3  3  Mid Gleniron Stony Mounds: I found these stony mounds as fascinating as the chambered cairns just north of these mounds, so took a few photographs (just in case they were recorded cairns) and grid references. If they are field clearance stones, why place them in different mounds in the same field? A...
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137  3 
Mid Gleniron 3  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  2  3  3  Mid Gleniron 3: OK, the GPS led me to this spot, but there wasn’t much to see. Had it not been for the sheer number of cows and their calves in the field, I would have gone for a closer look, but bottled out. I photographed this feature by leaning over the dry stone wall.   137  4 
Mid Gleniron 2  Chambered Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  2  3  3  Mid Gleniron 2: Photos taken from NX 18753 60931, I photographed a mound approximately 20 metres to east (right) of track as walked uphill, with a cattle feeder virtually on top. I wasn’t sure that this was a cairn at all, although Andrew was certain. In fact Canmore shows there are the remain...
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137  5 
Mid Gleniron 4  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  4  3  Mid Gleniron 4: This is the large bell cairn at the top of the hill, near the farmhouse, which dominates the view as you walk up the track towards the farmhouse. Access into the field is easy, and it’s possible to walk all the way round the cairn to see its structure and enjoy the views.  137  6 
Mid Gleniron 5  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  2  4  3  Mid Gleniron 5: This cairn lies west of track to the farmhouse, south east of the oval cairn, and is very distinct in the field and on the aerial photographs. The mound of the cairn stood out particularly today as the farmer was spreading the lines of harvested grass to dry as we walked across th...
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137  7 
Mid Gleniron 1  Chambered Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  4  3  Mid Gleniron 1: I was really impressed with this now oval-shaped cairn with its burial chambers and spent ages walking round it and over it. The photographs don’t really do it justice.  137  8 
Culroy Cairn 1  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  3  4  Culroy Cairn 1: On the way back from Culroy White Cairn, we had intended to stop and photograph another 4 cairns along this road, but the road was far to narrow to park on, and with large tractors and other traffic coming along, I hopped out of the car and photographed this cairn as best I could. ...
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137  10 
Whitefield Loch Crannog  Crannog  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Saw from a distance  18th Jun 2019  1  3  4  Dorman's Island/Loch Whitefield Crannog (east): We went seeking Dorman’s Island crannog at the eastern side of the loch. Having missed the fisherman's road, and the road being too narrow to turn round, we ended up parking in the fisherman's car park at NX 23531 54887 and walked down the angler’s...
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137  11 
Kirkmaiden Old Church  Ancient Cross  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited (still working on)  18th Jun 2019  2  4  4  Kirkmaiden Old Church: A very lovely drive along the coast road (A747) through Port William to the golf course. We had difficulty finding the grassy track down to the church, but eventually stumbled upon it using the GPS. Down a steep cliff on its eastern side, and with steps down to the beach ...
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137  12 
Whithorn Museum  Museum  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  4  5  4  Whithorn Visitor Centre, Museum, Priory and Roundhouse: I can honestly say that I have never felt so welcomed anywhere as being here as a visitor to Whithorn. From the moment we stepped into the Visitor Centre café for refreshments before buying our tickets, then looking around the round house, mu...
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137  13 
Little Balsmith  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  4  5  Little Balsmith/Stairfield Standing Stone: I was very reluctant to tear myself away from Whithorn Museum and Priory, but with it closing at 5pm, we didn’t really have a choice. I popped back into the visitor centre to buy some postcards, then we headed off down the street to buy an Italian Ice Cre...
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137  14 
Crow Stone (Wigtown)  Standing Stone (Menhir)  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  3  4  4  Holed Stone/Crow Stone, Crouse: Coming to these last two sites marked the start of our return journey back to Northumberland, and I wasn’t really ready to go back! This stone stood near the northern edge of a field of grass, just east of the B7052, and south of the White Cairn at Crouse. The fi...
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137  15 
White Cairn (Crouse)  Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  18th Jun 2019  2  3  4  White Cairn, Crouse: Our very last stop of this visit, and not a hugely dramatic one. The cairn has been used for field clearance, and there were lumps of concrete, barbed wire and old fence posts dumped at its western side. Whilst I was photographing the holed stone, I got an excited cry from An...
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137  16 

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