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Castle Dykes

Date Added: 9th Sep 2023
Site Type: Henge Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 1st Jan 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 2

Castle Dykes

Castle Dykes submitted by rich32 on 7th Jul 2004. Castle Dykes Henge, nr Aysgarth, North Yorkshire (SD98228728) The henge has a diameter of about 75m with the ditch being up to 2m in some places. There are entrances to the north, south & east, although only the eastern one is thought to be original and of antiquity. This henge is fairly well preserved, but as seems obligatory with our henges its covered in cow poo. This photo (looking east) does not really do the site justice.
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Log Text: I lived in Aysgarth for many years and this henge sparked my interest in ancient sites. I walked up here many times to enjoy the view and imagine the lives of the people who made this site 1000s of years ago.

Devil's Arrows

Date Added: 9th Sep 2023
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 1st Aug 2019. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 4

Devil's Arrows

Devil's Arrows submitted by Humbucker on 27th Apr 2019. All three Devils Arrows looking from the north. The light improved for a brief few minutes & the sun made a brief appearance while I was there before turning into a flat, grey evening.
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Log Text: I've been here a few times when I lived in North Yorkshire and at least twice since I moved to Suffolk. The ambience is not helped by being right next to the A1M, although I used to look for glimpses of the stones when driving past. They are well worth a visit because they are fascinating and awesome. I love the eroded fluted millstone grit look.

West Mersea

Date Added: 9th Sep 2023
Site Type: Artificial Mound Country: England (Essex)
Visited: Yes on 9th Sep 2023. My rating: Condition 4 Access 4

West Mersea

West Mersea submitted by Thorgrim on 24th Jul 2005. An old shot from the time when you could get inside - spooky!
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Log Text: We went to see this during the heritage open day event and found it very interesting. Afterwards, we went to the Mersea Island Museum to see the lead coffin and glass urn containing the cremated remains of the Roman/Gaulish man who presumably had the burial mound constructed.

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