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The 7 capstone passage-grave viewed from the West. A stone visible to the right of the chamber probably is a remaining passage orthostat. The 12,65m by 3,30m [1] chamber is halfway embedded into the sandy ground. As in most cases only the megalithic skeleton remained. Drywalling, barrow and a possible enclosure are lost. 

Taken in August 2010

[1] Giffen, A.E. van, 1925: De hunebedden in Nede
Submitted byMartin_L
AddedSep 24 2010
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The 7 capstone passage-grave viewed from the West. A stone visible to the right of the chamber probably is a remaining passage orthostat. The 12,65m by 3,30m [1] chamber is halfway embedded into the sandy ground. As in most cases only the megalithic skeleton remained. Drywalling, barrow and a possible enclosure are lost.

Taken in August 2010

[1] Giffen, A.E. van, 1925: De hunebedden in Nederland, Utrecht

Posted Comments:

Rubis (2010-09-24)
Waow, i'd like to take so much beautiful photos.
Martin L (2010-09-28)
Thank you very much Rubis. If you like to do night photography check if your camera is able to do long time exposures. Best would be if it allows you to manually choose focus (autofocus often will not work at darkness), exposure time and ISO (auto-iso will create very noisy pictures). If you like the "nature-light-brushing" you can also use additonal lighting sources like torch, flash or similar. Apart from all the flaws in digital photography it is great for experiments like night photography as you can fiddle around with the settings until you know the abilities of the equipment without wasting vast amounts of film.

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