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Gallery Home >> Germany >> Lower Saxony, Bremen >> Garen Steingrab 'Der Hohe Stein'

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Overview from the West. While the orthostats of the Northern long-side are almost in situ, the orthostats of the southern long-side are largely moved to the South. Guess this happened when 3 out of the six capstones were robbed. Probably explosives were used.
Two capstones are completely preserved, but fallen as can be seen in the picture. A fragment of the third is also visible in the foreground
Submitted byMartin_L
AddedApr 30 2010
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Overview from the West. While the orthostats of the Northern long-side are almost in situ, the orthostats of the southern long-side are largely moved to the South. Guess this happened when 3 out of the six capstones were robbed. Probably explosives were used.
Two capstones are completely preserved, but fallen as can be seen in the picture. A fragment of the third is also visible in the foreground between orthostat N1 and N2. April 2010

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