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Submitted byRunemage
AddedJan 23 2010
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Runemage (2010-02-01)
At the very lowest level inside Minehowe. Taken from the bottom of the steps, where the tiny lights on the handrail end, pointing the camera downward into the darkness.
AngieLake (2010-02-01)
I think you are very brave, Rune. I was allowed to stand by the entrance in 2001 to see how I felt about going in, but chickened out!!!
Runemage (2010-02-02)
I's very strange Angie. I'm really claustrophobic and the year before I did exactly the same as you, one peek in and no way was I going in there. Anyway, the next year, I seemed drawn to it, such an odd feeling, as though I had to go in, being invited almost, and it no longer felt as though I'd have to conquer my fears, they seemed to evaporate and I was queuing impatiently. As I was descending the staircase, I literally couldn't see a thing, there were ropelights on the handrail but they only illuminated it, I saw nothing else, apart from what the flash on my camera illuminated for a second. That didn't matter though, because the atmosphere in there was liminal, full of the sort of peace and tranquility and otherness that you lose the sense of self and senses entirely and know profound peace, the sort you can breathe. So there I was, literally stoned by the genus loci, floating in another world having this beyond words experience and some silly old bat and her husband started to come down the staircase and I had to yell at them to go back up and let me out as there's not room for so many people in there at once!
AngieLake (2010-02-02)
Thanks for that lovely description of your visit Rune. It really brought the place to life, and it sounds as if the 'mine' has absorbed a lot of good *sacred* vibes over the millennia. It really did seem as if you were invited that day. "Come to Mother", eh?! ;-)
How scary to have someone else descending on top of you, though!! Aaarrrghhh! I'm too claustrophobic for stuff like this.
Runemage (2010-02-02)
You're welcome Angie. There was a dig going on when we were there, much of the construction of the ditch surrounding the mound was visible and a shrine, they didn't know but poss Iron Age built into the side of the mound had been taken out intact and sent to an expert for evaluation, it had been backfilled before we arrived so I've no idea what size etc. The dig was also ongoing a few yards away at an Iron Age house, used as a smithy and seemingly a weapons factory of unprecedented scale. Making far more weapons than would have equipped the whole of the islands' populations at that time. They discovered a second body in the house the day after we were there.
The archaeologist who showed us round the dig told us there were two theories for Minehowe itself, either it was a place they put captives like a prison or it was for ritual use. It certainly didn't feel like a prison to me!
I'd love to know about all the other bits, the shrine and munitions factory - was there a war? - but I've not heard anything. I keep looking on Orkneyjar but no luck so far.
AngieLake (2010-02-02)
Wow! It must be one of those days, today! Very interesting, and thanks again Rune.

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