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Submitted byRunemage
AddedJan 23 2010
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Posted Comments:

Runemage (2010-02-01)
Part of the interior construction.
Is it wet, or is it vitrified?
cerrig (2010-02-01)
It reminds me of a damp cave,you've caught the feel of it just right Rune.It looks a bit of a squeeze too,was it tight.
Runemage (2010-02-02)
It's an almost vertical descent, I remember having to feel with my feet to find the next step down, I couldn't see a thing. I'd read about it being narrow at one point, only for a few feet, so narrow that you could feel the wall on your back, but that day, that time, I never noticed, which is most unusual as I'm more than a tad claustrophobic.

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