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The Long Stone is a place that I have visited on many occasions and I have taken shed loads of photos but this one is probably one of my favs...lol though it does look a bit phallic looking from this angle!
  The closest village is Mottistone and unlless you are up to a hike then I wouldn't park by Mottistone Manor. The best place to go is up Strawberry lane(theres a interesting house on the corn
Submitted byAvaloniaspirit
AddedOct 17 2007
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The Long Stone is a place that I have visited on many occasions and I have taken shed loads of photos but this one is probably one of my favs...lol though it does look a bit phallic looking from this angle!
The closest village is Mottistone and unlless you are up to a hike then I wouldn't park by Mottistone Manor. The best place to go is up Strawberry lane(theres a interesting house on the corner which is actually the National Trusts office) Go past the driveway for the house and a little ways up the lane is a carpark. From there is is a fairly easy walk on a laid surface(good for people pushing buggies) up to the stones. There are in fact four different directions/paths that bring you to the Long Stone, some are easy and straightforward, others are hard and if you take the wrong turn you will end up walking around the downs for awhile before you find it.A couple of them,especially the one from the manor is harder work when the grounds muddy but beautiful in spring with the bluebells etc out.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2007-10-17)
That's a whopper! Great pic. Don't recall any other Isle of Wight stones coming up before, so had a look at 'nearby sites' and it seems there are a lot of barrows down there.
Avaloniaspirit (2007-10-17)
Yeah we have quite a few barrows etc down here, and theres one that Im not sure about. It's near Chale Church and I've taken a few pics in the past and walked down there etc, it looks to me to be a barrow but it hasn't got a mention anywhere. Unfortunately it is rapidly falling into the sea due to coastal erosion. Would be interesting to find out.
twentytrees (2007-10-17)
MAGIC has a bowl barrow near to Chale Church - is it the one you describe. See http://www.magic.gov.uk/rsm/22014.pdf
jackdaw1 (2007-10-17)
Lovely,natural shot here Lisa great stuff.I'd like to visit it at some point.
Avaloniaspirit (2007-10-17)
Hi Twentytrees, thanks for the link, no that wasn't the one I was thinking of, that one is further up the hill going towards Blackgang Chine. The place Im interested in is in the other direction. I think I might try and call someone tomorrow and see if anyone can shed some light onto it.
Hi Jackdaw..thanks for your comments. In the local paper this week it said that the Longstone had been vandalised by someone painting a cross upon it...very disturbing.

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