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Buck Wood 1 was one of 10 rocks found in the woods during surveys by the Friends of Buck Wood (FoBW). The stone sits just outside a prehistoric enclosure excavated in 2009. 

Referenced 10b in Keith Boughey's IAG archive this stone is the most extensively carved within the wood. Photogrammetric work I carried out for  FOBW in 2009 seem to identify 9 cups, 2 with long grooves leading out, 2 cups
Submitted byRich32
AddedJan 10 2019
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Buck Wood 1 was one of 10 rocks found in the woods during surveys by the Friends of Buck Wood (FoBW). The stone sits just outside a prehistoric enclosure excavated in 2009.

Referenced 10b in Keith Boughey's IAG archive this stone is the most extensively carved within the wood. Photogrammetric work I carried out for FOBW in 2009 seem to identify 9 cups, 2 with long grooves leading out, 2 cups connected by a natural fissure and a further groove may have been into bedding.

Image captured December 2009.

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