Edit Site Visit Log

Tordarroch Cairn

Visit log last edited: Thu, 07 Jul 2014 01:33:33
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Use the two boxes below to link your site visit logs together to create trips or tours that contain collections of logs for others to follow. To create your first tour, put a 1 in the Trip Number box for all the visit logs you want in tour 1. Not essential, but you can also fill in the Trip Order box to number each of those visit logs in order 1, 2, 3 etc to show the order you want them to be displayed. For your second tour put 2 in all the Trip Number boxes, etc. You can create as many tours as you like, and any number of logs in each tour. See Andy B's visit log for an example.
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(To start a new trip the number will be 1)
Trip Order (optional)
(Put a 1 in this box for the first visit log in this trip)

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