Web Site: http://www.irishancestry.biz
Favourite Ancient Site: Legananny
Your Location: Northern Ireland
Your Occupation: Retired
Your Interests: Digital Art, Photography, Video, Music, Fishing

Extra Info:
Always interested in ancient heritage, I developed my interest further, producing images of Christian and Pre-Christian sites while studying for a degree in Creative Imaging.
Actual User Status: Offline

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Pictures posted by bigalguitarpicker

Co. Down

Legananny Cross Stone
Legananny Cross Stone - PID:79736
Aug 02 2011 by bigalguitarpicker
Votes: 5 Hits: 962
Comments: 0  Size: 707x1000

Co. Tyrone

Aghascrebagh Ogham Stone
Aghascrebagh Ogham Stone - PID:81894
Sep 26 2011 by bigalguitarpicker
Votes: 0 Hits: 599
Comments: 0  Size: 566x800


Ring of Brodgar
Ring of Brodgar - PID:93833
Sep 15 2012 by bigalguitarpicker
Votes: 5 Hits: 641
Comments: 3  Size: 700x495