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Edificio 2 - The Temple of the Cormorants.
It is a temple with two galleries probably constructed at different times.  The one in front is the most recent.  The rear corridor, which is narrower and higher, is reinforced at its ends to prevent the collapse of its walls which supported a hollowed-out trapezoidal cresting that perhaps held, towards the rear, three stuccoed masks or medallions.
Submitted bydavidmorgan
AddedMar 13 2011
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Edificio 2 - The Temple of the Cormorants.
It is a temple with two galleries probably constructed at different times. The one in front is the most recent. The rear corridor, which is narrower and higher, is reinforced at its ends to prevent the collapse of its walls which supported a hollowed-out trapezoidal cresting that perhaps held, towards the rear, three stuccoed masks or medallions.
The temple's pediments retain panels - four at the back and three on each side. In the platform which holds the temple three vaulted chambers, one above the other, were uncovered.
The lowest one was found to contain the remains of a man now known as the "Lord of Dzibanche" due to the importance of funerary monuments erected in his honour and to the richness of the offerings buried with him.
The building and the burial are dated to the Late Classic (600-900 CE).

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