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Some old engraving on Balanced Rock
Submitted byclara-nuts
AddedJun 26 2019
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Some old engraving on Balanced Rock

Posted Comments:

Runemage (2019-06-27)
Looks like graffiti, GWD?
AngieLake (2019-06-27)
.. and the year underneath??
Runemage (2019-06-27)
I can't read it on my pc screen Angie, even from the other side of the room, what does it say?
AngieLake (2019-06-27)
I don't know, Rune. I was hoping someone else can see it, but it looks as if it starts with '1' and has three more numbers. Thought I could see it earlier today, but not clearly enough. It might be officially recorded somewhere?
Martin L (2019-06-28)
also see 4 numbers. And i tend to vaguely read "1969". Though i am not really sure about this as the lighting is very unfavourable to bring out the details. At any rate the engravings do not look really ancient.
clara-nuts (2020-07-14)
I believe the date was 1869. I am thankful the early settlers left it in place (though I think a certain amount of fill got added) and no one took a log and tipped it into the stream.

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