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Before the National Trust took back control over the Avebury tea room there was a vegetarian restaurant there called Stones. Here's an example of their fare, a main course called Megaliths and a very generous looking pudding!

A Happy memory of Stones Restaurant

[750 x 555 jpg]

Submitted byAndy B
AddedDec 12 2004
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Before the National Trust took back control over the Avebury tea room there was a vegetarian restaurant there called Stones. Here's an example of their fare, a main course called Megaliths and a very generous looking pudding!

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2004-12-13)
On one visit to Avebury I had a nice meal at the Red Lion. I'd ordered "Steak and Stonehenge Pie". Wondered what on earth I'd get with a name like that, but if my memory serves me well, it was steak cooked in an ale called "Stonehenge"! (Don't think there were any hard bits!) Another time I was in a down to earth pub at Plymouth on Summer Solstice, and found an appropriate beer to celebrate the evening, called "Solstice .....?" (Beer/ Bitter?)

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