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Reilig Odhrain burial mound
Odran was one of the founding monks of the Iona community, who died on the island shortly after their arrival. According to legend Columba received a vision in which he saw Odran's soul ascending to heaven protected by angels who warded off devils seeking to take him to hell. As a result of this vision the community named their cemetery Reilig Odhrain in his honor. His
Submitted bynicoladidsbury
AddedOct 13 2004
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Reilig Odhrain burial mound Odran was one of the founding monks of the Iona community, who died on the island shortly after their arrival. According to legend Columba received a vision in which he saw Odran's soul ascending to heaven protected by angels who warded off devils seeking to take him to hell. As a result of this vision the community named their cemetery Reilig Odhrain in his honor. His feast day was the 27th of October. Surrounding the chapel is the ancient burial ground Relig Odhrain named after the saint. According to tradition over 27 Kings and Queens of Ireland, Norway and Scotland were buried here.

Posted Comments:

trevor silkstone (2004-12-18)
Iona seems such a powerfully religious place I should love to go one day, the pics are wonderful
nicoladidsbury (2005-02-28)
Alistair Moffat mentions in his excellent book "the sea kingdoms" that the celtic king Macbeth is buried in this mound.
stonesavant (2011-01-26)
The Culdees of Iona are responsible for transitioning from Druidism to Christianity

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