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This  small stone circle setting on top of a group of hills called Easthill, it is commonly known as Seven Gray Stones or Seven Gray Stanes which is a misconception has it has ten stones and a diameter of 23 meter's in a slight elliptical shape.
	 The Circle is sitting on top of a grassy knoll over looking Dumfries with a commanding view of the North, East and South. The Circle itself is made up
Submitted bycaradoc68
AddedJun 26 2012
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This small stone circle setting on top of a group of hills called Easthill, it is commonly known as Seven Gray Stones or Seven Gray Stanes which is a misconception has it has ten stones and a diameter of 23 meter's in a slight elliptical shape.
The Circle is sitting on top of a grassy knoll over looking Dumfries with a commanding view of the North, East and South. The Circle itself is made up of ten stones with a few other stones that have rolled down the hill over time that could of been part of this circle with a possible alignment stone laying a hundred and filthy feet to the east.
Most of these stones have now fallen over, with they bolder type appearance. Weather these were meant to stand in the first place is a question we may never know.
It is said that their are three cup-marks in the North-West corner of the circle on one of the stones, this also could be weathering or pitting of the stones as the stones them self were of a sandstone type.

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